Friday, 16 December 2016

Farewell Room 1 2016

To all Room 1 students, parents and caregivers, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Room 1 have had a fabulous year of learning, laughter and fun.
We have built strong relationships with each other, showing kindness, respect and most importantly empathy. Here we are with our buddy class Room 11.  

Thursday, 8 December 2016


As part of our Celebrations Inquiry, Room 1 have learned about Piñata’s. Here is Cathy's information:

The Piñata’s History
The piñata idea originated from China. In China people would break tiny clay pots with seeds in it to welcome spring.  It is also played in Greenland to welcome summer. Mexico and America play the game on birthdays. By Cathy

We made our own piñata from boxes and paper mache. We worked hard with our creative brains and come up with amazing designs.

Thursday, 1 December 2016

White Christmas

This morning Room 1 & 11 made White Christmas slice. After it had time to set, we all had a few pieces to eat and it was delicious! We got to take some home to share with our whanau. We have a copy of the recipe, so we can make some at home!

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Speech Marks

Hi Room 1, the next step in using correct punctuation in your Written Language is to use speech punctuation correctly. Click here for the Blendspace on speech marks that you will be using this week.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Room 1 have Green Fingers

Over the last few weeks Room 1 has grown seedlings from New World Little Garden seedling packs. Once the seedlings sprouted we had to decide on what we would do next.
We researched to answer the questions, How will we pot our vegetable seedlings? What do we need?
We found out what the different vegetables need for growing, the different size container that is needed and how the seedlings should be planted etc.
We researched where to buy buckets, tubs and vegetable potting mix. Mrs Poole bought what we needed and we have had fun planting and collecting sicks for the signs we made.

Diwali 2016

Thank you to Neil and his family for providing Room 1 with a gorgeous Rangoli pattern for our back table for all of Room 1 to enjoy. Today Neil taught Room 1 how to make the patterns and made a few for our buddy class Room 11 on the steps of their classroom and on black paper to enjoy in their classroom. Thank you to the kind parents for my special treats of food over the last few days and sharing their knowledge to us about Diwali.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Geometry Town

We have been exploring and making 3D shapes, describing their faces, edges and vertices (corners).
In groups, Room 1 have planned and begun to make a Geometry Town. Everyone is enjoying the process. Here are some photos of the work in progress.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Doreen's Holiday Word Cloud

Dora's Holiday Word Cloud

Callum's Holiday Word Cloud

Bianca's Holiday Word Cloud

Neil's Holiday Word Cloud

Na'eemah's Holiday Word Cloud

Sophie's Holiday Word Cloud

Mark's Holiday Word Cloud

Matthew's Holiday Word Cloud

Isabella's Holiday World Clould

David's Holiday Word Cloud

Andrew's Holiday Word Cloud

Aadi's Holiday Word Cloud

Jade's Holiday Word Cloud

Cathy's Holiday Word Cloud

Emma's Holiday Word Cloud

Aya's Holiday Word Cloud

Washington's Holiday Word Cloud

Shayden's Holiday Word Cloud

Zaina's Holiday Word Cloud

Daniel's Holiday Word Cloud

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Growth Mindset

This week Room 1 & 6 shared their learning about Growth Mindset and made posters together.
Below are all of the posters we made using Google Drawing.

Growth Mindset by Aadi

Growth Mindset by Andrew

Growth Mindset by Cathy

Growth Mindset by Emily

Growth Mindset by Zaina

Growth Mindset by Washington

Growth Mindset by Sophie

Growth Mindset by Shreyas

Growth Mindset by Shayden

Growth Mindset by Neil

Growth Mindset by Na'eemah

Growth Mindset by Matthew Y

Growth Mindset by Mark

Growth Mindset by Jacob

Growth Mindset by Emma

Growth Mindset by Aya



Growth Mindset by Callum

Growth Mindset by Charlotte