Friday, 26 February 2016

Piha Camp 2016

Room 1 has just had the most fantastic two days for our Piha Camp 2016.

We had a stunning day at Piha where we learned about water safety, rips, being sun smart and all about Piha Lifesaving Club from the amazing Lifeguards Dani, Ashley, MacKenzie and Lellani.

In the water we learned how to duck dive under the waves, we boogie boarded and had fun in the waves. At times the water was shallow only to our knees but often became deeper very quickly as the waves rolled in.
We learned how waves are very powerful even in shallow water and if we get knocked over we must stand up as soon as we can and walk out.

Next week Room 1 will be reviewing our learning of the 10 Rules to Keep Safe in the Surf, how to be Sun Smart, what a rip looks like and what to do if you are in a rip and what the flags mean that we see at all beaches.

After coming back to school we had a yummy dinner, played some games, had a swim in our pool, sang some songs and had a boogie, got a story read to us then went to bed.

The Year 4's went home after dinner and came back refreshed in the morning to join in games, swims and camp skits.


Piha 2016 on PhotoPeach >

Tuesday, 23 February 2016


Room 1 have been learning in Art about face proportions.
We applied our new knowledge of face proportions to draw our own self-portraits.
They look fabulous on the back wall of our room.
Parents, you are welcome come in to view our masterpieces from the masterclass!

Piha Camp 2016

Room 1 have done some wondering about our Piha Camp on Thursday and Friday this week.

I wonder ...

what the lifeguards will teach us.
what water activities we will play.
if people will fall asleep on the bus back to school.
what the waves are going to look like.
how the sand got black at Piha.
what my fish and chips will taste like.
if it will rain.
how salty the water will be.
if someone will snore when we are asleep.
if I will sink in the water.
how bumpy the bus ride is.
what time we are going to go to sleep.
if the Teachers will miss their beds.
who will wake up first.
if I will talk on the bus quietly.
if the waves will be strong.
what the Medical Room looks like.
if the water is going to be cold.
if we will see a live rescue.
if the bus trip will be bumpy or smooth.
if the sand will be hot or cold.

We are looking forward to seeing if our wondering is what really happens!
Mrs Poole is very sure that the wondering ... if the Teachers will miss their beds, is what really happens!

Piha Wonderings on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Writing Postcards Home

After seeing the postcards we made displayed in Room 1 about our summer holiday, Mrs Park (Andrew's mum) kindly gave Room 1 a pile of real postcards.
Room 1 decided to write to ourselves and have them posted to our home address.
Some students in Room 1 have never received a letter or postcard, so we are looking forward to it arriving in our letterbox. Did you know, that one postcard costs 80 cents to send?
We  discussed and found out what happens to letters and postcards when we put them through the slot in the mailbox and where mailboxes can be found.
We are wondering who is going to receive their postcard first.


Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Gong Xi Fa Cai (Mandarin) or Gong Hey Fat Choy (Cantonese)

Today we meet with our buddy class to make Chinese lanterns to celebrate Chinese New Year. We all had lots of fun helping each other and learning how to say Happy New Year in Mandarin and Cantonese!

Buddies on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

What Do You Want to Grow Up To Be?

Room 1's Summer Holiday Spots

Have a look where we all went on our summer holidays.
Tomorrow we are going to pretend we are still on holiday and write a postcard to our new friends in Room 1 from our holiday spot. Look out for our writing once we have finished!

View Room 1's Summer Holiday Spots in a full screen map