Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Growth Mindset

This week Room 1 & 6 shared their learning about Growth Mindset and made posters together.
Below are all of the posters we made using Google Drawing.

Growth Mindset by Aadi

Growth Mindset by Andrew

Growth Mindset by Cathy

Growth Mindset by Emily

Growth Mindset by Zaina

Growth Mindset by Washington

Growth Mindset by Sophie

Growth Mindset by Shreyas

Growth Mindset by Shayden

Growth Mindset by Neil

Growth Mindset by Na'eemah

Growth Mindset by Matthew Y

Growth Mindset by Mark

Growth Mindset by Jacob

Growth Mindset by Emma

Growth Mindset by Aya



Growth Mindset by Callum

Growth Mindset by Charlotte

Growth Mindset by David

Growth Mindset by Doreen

Growth Mindset by Isabella

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Koanga Festival

On Saturday Shayden and Emily performed at the Koanga Festival.
I was so proud watching them sing and do their actions, they were awesome!
Ahakoa he iti he pounamu.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Buddy Challenge Time

Today with our buddy class we did the marshmallow and spaghetti challenge.
The challenge was to make a tall tower which had to stand by itself.
During the challenge we used Growth Mindset thinking because we challenged ourselves, had the right attitude and showed lots of perseverance.
At the end of the challenge some of the groups understood that to fail is the first step in learning something new because as you can see by the photos some of the towers failed!
We had loads of fun!

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Cathy's Pledge

How does this help the environment? If you reuse things less resources are used and there will also be less rubbish. Cathy

Jacob's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
There will be less cars on the road which means less pollution for the environment.

Neil's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
This will save energy which means less pollution for the environment.

Jade's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
This will save energy which means less pollution for the environment.

Aya's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
Reuse things like plastic bags, glass jars, plastic takeaway boxes so there is less rubbish for the landfills.

Matthew D's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
If e-waste goes into landfills the poison in them goes into the environment and also e-waste never breaks down.

Daniel's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
You won't be wasting water if you check for dripping taps and fix leaks. Wasting water means using more of our water resources.

Aadi's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
This will save energy and water as you won't do as many washes.

Callum's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
Trees give us oxygen and if you grow your own fruit then you won't need to go to the supermarket to buy some.

Isabella's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
If we recycle there will be less rubbish for landfills.

Andrew's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
Cars make pollution, give out carbon dioxide and need fuel so it is better for us to walk if we can.

Zaina's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
This will use less trees so tress and forests won't need to be chopped down.

Charlotte's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
You can put your food scraps in a compost bin or worm farm so you will have less rubbish for the landfill.

Emma's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
You can use rain water for watering plants, garden tools and washing your car and you won't be taking the water resources.

Azalea's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
Soft plastics are things made from plastic that you can scrunch up and they go in a soft plastic recycling bin, bottles and jars go in the recycling bin and they then can be made into something else.

Na'eemah's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
Hot water uses power so if you use cold water you won't waste power.

Washington's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
You can reuse cloth bags over and over again instead of using plastic bags.

Shreyas' Pledge

How does this help the environment?
This will use less power so the environment has less pollution.

Matthew Y's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
Eco-bulbs and LED's use way less energy to run and you won't have to change your light bulbs very often.

Mark's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
Rubbish on the ground can go down drains and then go into the rivers, seas, and lakes.

Shayden's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
This will save water so we have enough to go around.

David's Pledge

How does this help the environment?
There will be less rubbish if we don't have pre-wrapped foods in our lunch boxes.